On The Basis Of Sex (Autism Friendly Screening)

On The Basis Of Sex (Autism Friendly Screening)

6.5 out of 10

Drama In 1956, Ruth Bader Ginsburg follows her husband Martin to Harvard Law School. She is one of nine women granted admission to the hallowed halls of an institution that prides itself on moulding brilliant legal minds. Dean Erwin Griswold can barely contain his disdain. Unperturbed, Ruth excels and when Martin faces a devastating cancer diagnosis, she attends both of their classes to ensure he does not fall behind while raising their child.

Directed by Mimi Leder

Starring Justin Theroux, Armie Hammer, Sam Waterston, Felicity Jones, Kathy Bates


120 mins
12A certificate

On The Basis Of Sex (Autism Friendly Screening) is not currently showing anywhere.