Happy As Lazzaro (Parent And Baby Screening)

Happy As Lazzaro (Parent And Baby Screening)

7.7 out of 10

Drama In the tiny Italian village of Inviolata, landholder Marchesa Alfonsina De Luna mercilessly exploits her labourers. Among these slave workers is a reserved, wide-eyed innocent called Lazzaro, who buoys their spirits of comrades with his kindness. A young nobleman called Tancredi, who is embarrassed by the actions of his family, gravitates towards Lazzaro. He hatches a hare-brained scheme to fake his own kidnapping. Lazzaro agrees to participate, blind to the tragic consequences of his actions.

Directed by Alice Rohrwacher

Starring Luca Chikovani, Adriano Tardiolo, Agnese Graziani


127 mins
12A certificate

Happy As Lazzaro (Parent And Baby Screening) is not currently showing anywhere.